Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sister Staples

My dear friend and Jerusalem roommate Anne asked me to take some pictures of her before she left on her LDS mission to Tokyo, Japan. We took them in her grandparents' backyard, which was a very special place for her, and which had gorgeous lighting and colors for me! I miss my hilarious and beautiful "Jerusalem mom" so much already (we considered each other our moms while abroad), but I know she's off doing amazing things and blessing people's lives. It's hard not to see the goodness in her eyes, and I'm so glad these photos capture that. I love you Anne! Have fun learning Japanese! ;)


  1. Prettiest light ever. Her eyes are so sparkly and sharp in every picture, too!

  2. THESE ARE PERFECT. My favorite one is where she's doing the peace sign and she totally looks so Asian. Love Anne. Love you.


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