Saturday, July 13, 2013

Brian and Brecken: Engagements

Hey.. soo... I'm alive!

This blog has been kind of dead in 2013. I'm sorry! My lack of blogging from January-April was because I was in Jerusalem studying abroad, having the time of my life, and soaking in every moment (and blogging most of those moments here - I'm usually reluctant to link to my personal blog because it's so... personal... and me! but I think there's great value in you guys knowing the real me, even if it is sometimes embarrassing or makes me look like I'm 12.. ha! don't say I didn't warn you!).

Since being back from Jerusalem, I've been taking somewhat of a photography break, and it's mostly been a result of me trying to rediscover my passion for photography. When you're just starting out on a creative venture, you don't expect to ever lose any sense of creativity because in the beginning everything is new and exciting and you have so many ideas and you feel like you could just go on forever! But the loss of creativity happens, and it makes you feel really confused, kind of angry, and unsure of how to more forward. Especially when you're a perfectionist. I'm still on the path to rediscovering my passion, but these last couple of months I've "taken off" have helped me realize that I do truly appreciate a gorgeous, well-photographed moment and that I have been blessed with a gift for capturing those moments. Basically, I recognize that I have a special talent that I shouldn't throw away, and I have faith that as I improve, the creative juices will start flowing again, and things will come a little more naturally like they used to (with a lot of hard work!). Do any of you feel the same way or know what I'm talking about? Can we have a creative-talk pow-wow in the comments? Because that would really make happy.

WELL. :) With that said, I'm back to blogging, and am really excited to share some of these engagements because I honestly love how they turned out and they remind me why I love photography! Brian is the older brother of my old roommate and close friend Amanda, whose pictures have been featured on this blog before, so it was really fun spending time with him and his fiance and seeing how they interact. These guys definitely fall into the category of "naturally affectionate," which makes for such cute, genuine pictures that are so easy to love! And seriously, I'm so in love with their outfit colors in our last location. I could eat, drink, and breathe turquoise! (But really, who couldn't?) Take a look at their beautiful photos and consider leavin' some love for B&B down below. :)


  1. ME LOVEY!!! But like that's any surprise. I've said it before and Imma say it again, you are so taking any and all of my pictures for all the big events in my life. Now, we just need to work on living much closer to each other. :)

    Love you!

  2. That's my hottie last companion! LOVE YOU GIRL xoxoxoxo Emma T.

  3. 1. Your b&w are my fave.
    2. Ring shot.. so pretty. Macro?
    3. The last shot is SO PERFECT. Oh my gosh.

    Taking a hiatus from photography sounds difficult, but refreshing. Sometimes I feel like I'm constantly questioning my style because I see so much of other photographers work and THEIR style. Taking a break like yours sounds like an amazing opportunity to rediscover your own, unbiased, style. :)

  4. These are so beautiful! I absolutely love the picture of the ring on the flower branch. It looks like a magazine photo. You are seriously talented, Jennie. I'm glad you haven't given up :)

  5. It looks like they became more animated throughout the shoot :) And the bridge looks a bit familiar. Beautiful ring and great shots! Have I told you that Zach and I joked that we had to wait until you were back from Jerusalem before I'm allowed to get pregnant because we wanted to make sure that you could take the pictures for us? I'm glad you're still in the photo business--you really are talented at it, and I love our pictures so much.
    - Katie B

  6. Thank you everyone for your sweet comments!! Emily - all the pics are with my 50 mm 1.4, but I just crop my ring pics so that they look more macro. :) Katie, that's hilarious about getting pregnant! Hahaha! That makes me so happy. Love you all and thanks for the sweet encouragement. <3


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