Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ashley & Ismael

These two were sealed in the Bountiful, Utah, temple today, and I'm so glad I could document this special occasion in their lives. Ashley & Ismael are one of those couples that I look up to because they are always so sweet with each other and are just so in love! I've been dying to photograph Ashley's eyes for quite some time... so glad I finally got the chance. ;) Here's a sneak peek for them. :)

1 comment:

  1. Eeee I'm so excited! They already look incredible! :D

    Also, thanks for the compliment xD We try to act in public the way we would at home- none of that no-PDA crap. We're husband and wife and want the world to know how madly in love we are! <3 Glad you noticed :)


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