Sunday, May 8, 2011

amanda & chad.

another massive post? oh sure, why not. :) I'm excited to finally post these pics! we did this shoot back in march. I always love getting wedding invites of my clients in the mail because it means I can post their engagements on my blog! :) amanda and I became friends our freshman year of college - we were in the same hallway in the dorms. she is such a sweet and fun girl. I totally loved meeting her fiance - they're just perfect for each other and he is a genuinely great guy. ever since I started doing photography, I've met so many more of my friend's fiances than I normally would and I love it! we did the shoot on a farm (I found it one day and pulled over and asked the farmer permission. he probably thought I was crazy. :)) because they both liked barns and old stuff. chad actually grew up on a farm and helped us out a lot with farm terminology. :) we came home that day smelling like manure but the fun was all worth it! amanda and chad, I wish you tons of happiness in your future together and thanks so much for letting me be your photographer!

and last but not least...

we had to. ;)


  1. I just L O V E how she's got the "foot pop" goin on in the kissing pictures. ;)

  2. I love love love love this photo shoot! Just stunning

  3. you are so talented!!!!! and chad was in my basketball class freshman year... haha


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