Monday, April 4, 2011

before & after monday!

that sounds like fun, right? :)

one of my favorite photography blogs is that of andee from crave photography. she does this thing called "photoshop friday" where she posts a before and after pic to demonstrate the wonders of photoshop.. and I think that's an awesome idea! plus it'll put more posts on here, and I'm pretty sure this blog could use that. :) I had to give credit to andee for the idea, so check out her blog, but try not to get too sad that I am not that awesome yet, ha! she goes for a more processed look than I do but I still adore her pictures and her ability to use photoshop is iiiiiiincredible. so, here's to the first of many b&a mondays!

this first pic is of jessica. isn't she GORGEOUS? yeah, so photogenic it's crazy. for this I just adjusted levels, added some saturation, soft light, a little bit of brightness.. and bam! a little bit goes a long way. :) of course, the before should look even better than it does, but that is something I'm working on right now - getting better SOOC (straight out of camera) shots. wish me luck as I practice, practice, practice! well.. after finals at least..

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